Additionally, you learned how to test this newly developed integration service in debug mode. 另外,您了解了如何以调试模式测试这个新开发的集成服务。
When the LocalCDILaunchDelegate is called upon to launch in debug mode, it obtains information about the executable to be debugged and the parameters to be sent to the debugger. 当调用LocalCDILaunchDelegate以在调试模式下启动时,它将获得有需要调试的可执行文件的信息以及将发送给调试器的参数。
Create the procedure for debugging by selecting the debug mode option to ALLOW. 通过选择调试模式选项ALLOW,创建需要进行调试的过程。
As well as the generic startup improvements of the previous section there is another step you can take which improves the startup time when running in debug mode. 另外,对于前面部分中介绍的关于启动的改进,当在调试模式中运行时,您可以采取其它步骤来改进启动时间。
The next section will start the Tomcat server in debug mode, so go ahead and stop it now. 下一节将以debug模式启动Tomcat服务器,所以这里先停止Tomcat服务器。
The next step is to restart the Geronimo server in debug mode. 下一步是在调试模式下重启Geronimo服务器。
It's a good idea to set some breakpoints in the key functions in this plug-in and then launch Lotus Sametime in debug mode, to view how it works. 最好在这个插件的关键函数中设置一些断点,然后在调试模式下启动LotusSametime,检查它的工作方式。
Eclipse has no debug mode& just the Debug perspective you can switch to and from. Eclipse没有调试模式&只有能够来回切换的Debug透视图。
The server will now be in debug mode, and its startup will have taken less time than if you had not tweaked the JVM settings. 服务器将以调试模式运行,如果您没有调整JVM的设置那么服务器的重启将花费更少的时间。
The server can be created and configured through the IDE and can be executed in a normal or debug mode ( see Figure 4). 服务器可以通过IDE创建和配置,并在普通或调试模式下执行(见图4)。
Make sure that you have started the server in debug mode. 请您一定要在调试方式中启动服务器。
The assert routine is valid only in debug mode. assert例程仅在调试模式下有效。
You can also start the server in debug mode from this same view. 还可以从调试模式下的同一视图启动服务器。
With debug mode enabled, all HTTP headers and raw SOAP XML that is exchanged during invocation gets dumped to stdout. 在启动了调试模式之后,所有在调用时交换的HTTPHeader和原始SOAPXML将转处到到stdout中。
The first step is to load the JVM in Lotus Domino in debug mode. 第一步是在调试模式下加载LotusDomino中JVM。
Starting in Debug mode is similar to running your project except that you click Debug on the toolbar, rather than Run. 启动调试模式类似于运行项目,只是要单击工具栏中的Debug而非Run。
Once you are in debug mode, the target machine's kernel stops. 处于调试模式之后,目标机器的内核就停止了。
If the procedure was originally created without the debugging option, it can be altered to be created in debug mode. 如果最初创建的过程没有调试选项,可以更改为是在调试模式创建的。
Consider adding a debug mode or function within your script& say, with the set – x command. 考虑在脚本中增加调试模式或功能&比如使用set–x命令。
The developer starts up the application locally in debug mode, sets a break point at an appropriate point, selects the script identified in the ticket, and starts playback. 开发人员在本地调试模式下启动应用程序,在合适的位置设置断点,选择清单中标识的脚本并开始回放。
You are now in debug mode. 现在您处于调试模式。
Remember to disable debug mode before you deploy a release application or conduct performance measurements. 请记住,在部署发布版本的应用程序或进行性能度量之前要禁用调试模式。
Building in debug mode does not invoke ProGuard, because it makes debugging more cumbersome. 而在调试模式中构建则不会调用混淆器,因为那样调试会更加繁重。
Operating in Debug Mode. 系统以调试模式运行。
If debug mode is enabled, the performance of your application can suffer. 如果启用了调试模式,应用程序的性能可能受到影响。
It has serious limitations, only works in Debug mode and only handles changes within method bodies. 但它有严格限制:它只能工作在Debug模式下,而且只能处理方法体内的变化。
Additionally, in debug mode, more information is exposed in the stack when an error occurs and can be a potential security issue. 另外,在调试模式下,当发生错误并且该错误可能是潜在的安全问题时,堆栈中将公开更多的信息。
Debug mode provides additional error-handling features, such as type checking and argument checking, and provides more detailed error messages than release mode does. 侦错模式提供额外的错误处理功能(例如型别和引数的检查),并能提供比发行模式更详细的错误讯息。
Indicates command line arguments to be called when running the program. This option is valid when 'Debug Mode' is set to 'Project' or 'Program'. 指示在运行程序时调用的命令行参数。此选项在调试模式设置为项目或程序时有效。
For Java they first attempted to optimistically analyze debug mode byte code, thereby removing the requirement for writing a compiler. 对于Java,他们起初很乐观的打算分析调试模式下的字节代码,因此不需要再写一个编译器。